LRHS Key Club
50 hours minimum needed to maintain Key Club membership each year.
Members may use hours from Individual Events (IE) that will count towards the Key Club total.
Individual Events are any events or volunteering opportunities offered OUTSIDE of Key Club, meaning not presented at meetings.
Members need a minimum of 25 hours from Club Events (CE).
Club Events are any events or volunteering opportunities presented at club meetings.
Each Key Club meeting will count as 15 minutes towards your club event hours, but we will only take a maximum of 2 hours.
Make sure you have your hours log signed and have a picture of proof that you were there or else those hours will not be taken.
Be sure to submit a picture of your hours log to our Hours Coordinator at
We will be checking meeting attendance and hours logs every month. Please make sure that you attend at least one club meeting and have at minimum 3 club hours every month for continued membership in our club.